Happy New Year to all that read the blog! We hope you had a wonderful time celebrating. Hopefully some of you had a drink for me :-)
This post will be picture less, as we've not had much going on to take pictures of. Since our last post, I have been back to the hospital. I spent most of New Years Eve in labor and delivery. My contractions were 1 minute apart! Of course, the routine was done. I received terbutaline for the contractions and IV fluids, blood was drawn and I was checked for progress. I was still at 3 cm and 50 % effaced. This little guy is just enjoying torturing his mommy.
I had an appointment this Tuesday and all was the same. Still 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. The doctor could feel Gavin's head and said it's just a matter of the contractions I'm having becoming strong enough to cause progress. Progress being, my water breaking or further dilation. Once one of those occurs, he will be on his way! As for now, I just continue to have restless days and sleepless nights. The contractions I'm having aren't too painful, just more annoying. Not to mention the fact that I'm going to the bathroom every 15 minutes.
This Saturday, I will reach 35 weeks! A huge milestone, considering they were prepared for his arrival at 32 weeks. At this point, he will definitely be bigger than his brother was. I'm just really anxious to see his precious face and to see who he'll look like. I had a dream last night that he weighed 6 lbs 2 oz. and was 19 inches long. So, we'll see how close he'll be to that size. If he's going to weigh 6 lbs. I've got a few more weeks left of just sitting around.
If I can hold out until next week, I will have a regular OB appointment on Monday and a high risk appointment on Tuesday. After the Tuesday appointment we will have ultrasound pictures and will have a good estimate of Gavin's weight. I will be sure to update after the appointment.
Thank you for all of your continued prayers, phone calls, and emails.